Legal notice and personal data 

937 Route Pont Maréchal 42120 ST VINCENT DE BOISSET

Headofficer: Patrick GAYA

Phone number: +33(0) 4 77 67 82 56

SIRET number: 42886967100050
APE code: 3311Z
VAT: FR55428869671

The information collected is subject to computer processing intended to take into account the requests for contact. This information is not transmitted to any third party (commercial partners, etc.). The recipients of the data are exclusively APRRES Industries departments.
In accordance with the law “informatique et libertés” of January 6, 1978 modified in 2004, you have the right to access and rectify information concerning you, which you can exercise by contacting APRRES Industries 937 route Pont Maréchal 42120 ST Vincent-de-Boisset France. You can also, for legitimate reasons, oppose the processing of your data.


Siret : 510 909 807 00024
RCS Clermont Ferrand
SARL au capital de 100 000€


The information we collect is exclusively intended for Aprres Industries and is kept for 2 years. No personal data concerning you is given to third parties.

Any personal information that you may transmit to Aprres Industries is subject to the provisions of Law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978 on computers, files and freedoms, as amended.

As such, you have the right to access, rectify and delete your personal information at any time by sending an e-mail to

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APRRES  Industries
Maintenance of civil and military rolling stock. After-sales service for specific public works equipment, heavy goods vehicles, lifting and handling, spare parts, repairs.